Special issue on scientific journal

Exploring Everyday Digital Life

Ragedda, M., Ruiu, M. (2022). Exploring Everyday Digital Life. Culture e Studi del Sociale, vol. 7, 1.


  • Massimo Ragnedda, Maria Laura Ruiu. Digital society: risks and challenges


  • Suana Acampa, Noemi Crescentini, Giuseppe Michele Padricelli. Is it still disintermediated? The role of the influencer news-maker in the social platform era
  • Elisa Caponera, Francesco Annunziata, Laura Palmerio. Computer and Information Literacy at the eighth grade: differences between boys and girls
  • Michela Cavagnuolo. The Italian perspective on the use of Big Data in Sociological Field: Implications, Empirical Findings and an Impact Analysis on the Discipline
  • Ahana Choudhury. De-Sanitising the ‘New Normal’: The Lived Experiences of ‘Digital Research’ in context of the COVID-19 India

Esperienze e confronti

  • Antonella Capalbi. Intersezioni di sguardi. La rappresentazione intersezionale in alcune serie Netflix di successo
  • Rossana Cataldo, Gabriella Punziano, Barbara Saracino, Ferdinando Iazzetta. Expert construction during the Italian vaccination campaign against COVID-19: positional, reputational, and communicational spheres in comparison
  • Tatiana Smirnova, Roman Smirnov. Female caregivers for elderly relatives in Russia: social barriers and stereotypes

Note e commenti

  • Sabato Aliberti. Book review. La violenza spiegata. Riflessioni ed esperienze di ricerca sulla violenza di genere di Felice Addeo, Grazia Moffa (a cura di). Franco Angeli, 2020.
  • Ferdinando Iazzetta. Book review. COVID-19 in Italy Social Behavior and Governmental Policies, by Lucia Velotti, Gabriella Punziano, Felice Addeo, Routledge, London 2022

Between Infodemic and Pandemic: On-line Researches in the Time of COVID-19

Masullo, G., Maiello, G. (2021). Between Infodemic and Pandemic: On-line Researches in the Time of COVID-19. Cultura e Studi del sociale. Vol. 6, 1.


  • MAIELLO,G. – Social and Individual Processes at the Time of the COVID-19 Crisis, 117-122


  • DE FALCO, C.C. & ROMEO, E. – Social Sciences Research Methods Regarding COVID-19 Pandemic. A PRISMA Systematic Review, 123-141
  • DI LISIO, M. & TREZZA, D. – Digital Methods to Study (and Reduce) the Impact of Disinformation, 143-156
  • PALMIERI, F., PAROLA, J., SALLUSTO PALMIERO, M. & TOFANI, R. – Diaries from Isolation. Digital Testimonials’ Analysis During COVID-19 Emergency, 157-174
  • RAMA, I. – The Coronavirus Conversation on Reddit: A Mixed Methods Approach, 175-192

Esperienze e confronti

  • CARLEO, M. – Being a Subject Expert During Covid-Era: An Autoethnographic Experience, 193-200
  • STAVOLO, A. & LUONGO, A. – The Political Communication of Italia Viva on Instagram: From its Formation to the COVID-19 Emergency, 201-210
  • ADDEO, F. ,PUNZIANO, G. & PADRICELLI, G.M. – Prohibitions, Pleasures, and Disasters: Entering the Online “Red zone” as an Experience of Digital Dark Tourism in Time of COVID-19, 211-218

Note e commenti

  • COPPOLA, M. & MASULLO, G. – The COVID-19 Pandemic through the Eyes of Italian Young Hikikomori, 219-226