Author: ILIS

Handbook of Research on Advanced Research Methodologies for a Digital Society

Punziano, G., Delli Paoli, A. (2021). Handbook of Research on Advanced Research Methodologies for a Digital Society. IGI Global, Pennsylvania.


Doing research is an ever-changing challenge for social scientists. This challenge is harder than ever today as current societies are changing quickly and in many, sometimes conflicting, directions. Social phenomena, personal interactions, and formal and informal relationships are becoming more borderless and disconnected from the anchors of the offline “reality.” These dynamics are heavily marking our time and are suggesting evolutionary challenges in the ways we know, interpret, and analyze the world. Internet and computer-mediated communication (CMC) is being incorporated into every aspect of daily life, and social life has been deeply penetrated by the internet. This is due to recent technological developments that increase the scope and range of online social spaces and the forms and time of participation such as Web 2.0, which widened the opportunities for user-generated content, the emergence of an “internet of things,” and of ubiquitous mobile devices that make it possible to always be connected. This implies an adjustment to epistemological and methodological stances for conducting social research and an adaption of traditional social research methods to the specificities of online interactions in the digital society.

Research Methods in the Digital Society

Masullo, G., Addeo, F. (2021, a cura di). Research Methods in the Digital Society. Italian Sociological Review, vol. 11, 4S.

Research Methods in the Digital Society. Vol. 11, 4S

Table of Contents

  • Felice Addeo, Giuseppe Masullo. Studying the Digital Society: Digital Methods between Tradition and Innovation in Social Research.
  • Enrica Amaturo, Biagio Aragona. Critical Optimism: A Methodological Posture to Shape the Future of Digital Social Research
  • Rita Bichi. Conducting Social Research Online: Empathetic Concern and Sociability
  • Sonia Stefanizzi. The Use of Big Data: Some Epistemological and Methodological Considerations
  • Davide Bennato. The Digital Traces’ Diamond. A Proposal to Put Together a Quantitative Approach, Interpretive Methods, and Computational Tools
  • Alessandro Caliandro. Repurposing Digital Methods in a Post-API Research Environment: Methodological and Ethical Implications
  • Angela Delli Paoli, Valentina D’Auria. Digital Ethnography: A Systematic Literature Review
  • Felice Addeo, Gabriella Punziano, Giuseppe Michele Padricelli. Using Digital Methods to Shed Light on “Border Phenomena”: A Digital Ethnography of Dark Tourism Practices in Time of COVID-19
  • Maria Paola Faggiano, Raffaella Gallo. Content Analysis and Digital Data: Methodological Solutions between Tradition and Innovation. The Case of Digital Campaigns as Meeting Ground of Expertises and Research Perspectives
  • Giuseppe Masullo, Marianna Coppola. Scripts and Sexual Markets of Transgender People on Online Dating Apps: A Netnographic Study
  • Valentina Nerino. Tricked into Supporting: A Study on Computational Propaganda Persuasion Strategies
  • Marco Serino. Culture and Networks in Online Social Fields. Studying the Duality of Culture and Structure in Social Media through Bourdieu’s Theory and Social Network Analysis

Between Infodemic and Pandemic: On-line Researches in the Time of COVID-19

Masullo, G., Maiello, G. (2021). Between Infodemic and Pandemic: On-line Researches in the Time of COVID-19. Cultura e Studi del sociale. Vol. 6, 1.


  • MAIELLO,G. – Social and Individual Processes at the Time of the COVID-19 Crisis, 117-122


  • DE FALCO, C.C. & ROMEO, E. – Social Sciences Research Methods Regarding COVID-19 Pandemic. A PRISMA Systematic Review, 123-141
  • DI LISIO, M. & TREZZA, D. – Digital Methods to Study (and Reduce) the Impact of Disinformation, 143-156
  • PALMIERI, F., PAROLA, J., SALLUSTO PALMIERO, M. & TOFANI, R. – Diaries from Isolation. Digital Testimonials’ Analysis During COVID-19 Emergency, 157-174
  • RAMA, I. – The Coronavirus Conversation on Reddit: A Mixed Methods Approach, 175-192

Esperienze e confronti

  • CARLEO, M. – Being a Subject Expert During Covid-Era: An Autoethnographic Experience, 193-200
  • STAVOLO, A. & LUONGO, A. – The Political Communication of Italia Viva on Instagram: From its Formation to the COVID-19 Emergency, 201-210
  • ADDEO, F. ,PUNZIANO, G. & PADRICELLI, G.M. – Prohibitions, Pleasures, and Disasters: Entering the Online “Red zone” as an Experience of Digital Dark Tourism in Time of COVID-19, 211-218

Note e commenti

  • COPPOLA, M. & MASULLO, G. – The COVID-19 Pandemic through the Eyes of Italian Young Hikikomori, 219-226

Etnografia e Netnografia (Etnography and Netnography)

Masullo, G., Addeo, F., Delli Paoli, A. (2020). Etnografia e Netnografia: riflessioni teoriche, sfide metodologiche, ed esperienza di ricerca. Loffredo Editore, Napoli.

Il libro rappresenta il risultato di un lungo confronto svolto tra colleghi di diversi contesti accademici e appartenenza disciplinare, che impiegano l’approccio etnografico e netnografico come ausili fondamentali per le loro ricerche empiriche. Lo sguardo ecumenico che caratterizza il testo è ispirato dal desiderio di creare ponti tra le discipline e di superare quelle barriere che impediscono ai diversi saperi delle scienze sociali e umane di dialogare fra loro. I saggi presenti toccano alcuni dei temi più attuali e in discussione nel più ampio dibattito della ricerca etnografica, oggi complicata dall’attuale diffusione dei nuovi mezzi della comunicazione della soci età web 2.0. Ognuno dei saggi pertanto apre a nuove questioni, dilemmi, che ogni ricercatore tenta di sciogliere in base alla propria esperienza acquisita e alle specificità del terreno di ricerca. Quello che emerge è che per sfruttare e comprendere al meglio le potenzialità di questo tipo di approccio di ricerca occorre farne esperienza pratica; solo così si potranno superare anche i dilemmi di natura etica e metodologica che solo in parte indicazioni di carattere manualistico, come quelle presenti in questo volume, consentono di sciogliere.